So, what do you do when they ask questions you don't know answers to? Good question.
First step is to stop trying to become their Google's and Encyclopedia's. In fact, they do a really great job of providing the information that they have. The point is learning how to ask the right questions for the information that you are seeking.
Your role, as a parent today is increasingly to guide your child increasingly to ask the right kind of questions and to enable them to use technology and other available resources at their disposal to get their answers. In the process, equipping them to remain critical of the information they are receiving and check for authenticity.
A child thus equipped, will not be disillusioned with the society, parents or teachers for their lack of answers, instead will keep his quest of knowledge and information alive and enrich his life and the lives of others around him!
Lets re-kindle the art of asking questions in our children. If not for the sake of them, at least for the sake of ourselves!