While some take this situation with a smile on the face and peace in the mind, for many it seems to be a question of - What do we do now? So much free time!!!!
If one ponders over why such reactions to holidays, it raises more questions. Are we too busy being busy to be able to enjoy the free time we get? Do we get "bored" with the free time because we are habituated to our lives being run by a schedule?Are we unable to enjoy the holiday time unless there is a to-do list?
Lets leave the adults aside for a minute. Have any of us tried asking our children how do they feel about holidays? What is it that they want to do with the free time?
If their response is anywhere close to the points listed above, we know where its coming from and need to do some serious thinking.
If not, its a great opportunity to help them/guide them/lead them to manage their free time to make the most of life!
- Try a new game/class together that you have never attempted before
- Try to reverse roles at home - you can make your day's calendar together and take their 2 cents in terms of managing time
- Have them read you a story book before you go to sleep
We have a lot more creative and whacky ideas to share in terms of engaging the children during holidays and quite a few engaging games to offer. Contact us at +91 8095267849 if you are interested to find out :)
By Anubha Jain - a Learning Facilitator with Sparkling Mindz