One can’t fathom the deep and connected ways in which children learn and the different perspectives with which they see the world around them.
While going through the nature walk pictures with the children back at school Facilitator picked up a circular shaped block and showed it to the children for them to connect to what Vivaan had seen in the park, earlier during the day.
To everyone’s surprise, 2.5 years old Daniel picked up another block and tried to connect it to the ‘rectangle shape’ in the picture. Can you spot the same?
The other children didn’t see it as they were focused on Vivaan and his circle. Daniel could zoom out and see the space around Vivaan as well as where he was standing to see the stand alone tile to spot the rectangular shape.
It was a connection the child had made which showed the capability of the child to zoom out of the current frame of reference and see something bigger and different. How many of us do this on a day to day basis in our lives?
Contributed by Maria Sanjana, Learning Facilitator @ Sparkling Mindz