I have a strange connection to rhythm, beats and danceable music of all kinds. I find myself thinking in choreography too. I've put a lot of that to some good use in childhood and at preschool/school now. It's the other way round though, I didn't put it to good use because I had to. I did it because it felt right, I wanted to. It's one of my happy place to be - to dance to music.
When I don't find a place, a partner or time to do it, I dance in my head. I've never been formally trained on dance and my mom was not amused that I wanted to do it instead of singing which she thought would be a life long hobby for me and she worked hard to train me in it. Dance had a limited shelf-life, in her view. She had a point. She was a trained dancer but she couldn't dance after a certain age, it was considered inappropriate but, I didn't care. I loved to dance and she didn't stop me.
I don't particularly enjoy the work of costume, make-up, jewellery, flowers and the paraphernalia that goes with it. But, I didn't care. I'd always find someone to help out so that I could dance. I've beautiful memories of the dance, the floor, the rhythm, the team moving in unison, the song, my body, the beats and everyone else syncing for those few minutes. It's like experiencing the bliss of art for a few minutes that can then last a lifetime. This is what irresistible happiness must feel like!
Contributed by Sreeja Iyer, CEO & Founder of Sparkling Mindz Global School, Preschool, and Afterschool.