A snippet of a conversation with A (6 yr old) as I (parent) felt its effect of the online classes and how ma'am has introduced science to him.
A: Can I put some sunscreen now?
Me: We are not going out now so do you want to put sunscreen or normal body lotion.
A: What is sunscreen made of?
Me: What do you think?
A: Medicine?
A: Chemicals and medicines.
Me: Aaha
A: So it's also science?
Me: Hmmm yes...which part of science you think?
Av: Chemicals...so ......chemistry!!
For children, science should go beyond what is taught in the books. It needs to start to become real, tangible. Things they can touch, feel, see, hear - everything around them starts to unravel the mysteries of science. They start to become scientific thinkers and not mere science quiz takers or science fact muggers.