In November 2024, when Bengaluru was experiencing floods, we as children began asking critical questions through the Wonder game we played on Wizets:
- Why are we experiencing extreme weather events?
- How was our city designed to handle such situations?
- What are the deeper causes behind these challenges?
This process of wondering and exploring is something that all of us across grades experience. We connected our wonder questions to our learning areas and explored significant and connected topics through that process.
The emergent opened up concepts like:
Probability and Measurements (in Maths)
The Water cycle, Domains of Earth, Natural vs Man made Disaster (in Social Studies)
Linear and Cyclical Systems (in Science) for Grade 1 to 3.
Grade 4 and above explored
Measurement: Types, Units and Unit convertion (In Maths)
Types of Rainfall, Landforms (In Social Science)
Materials that make up the infrastructure of the city, Linear and Cyclical processes (in Science).
This also led us to delve deeper into the issues through both primary and secondary research, including analyzing research papers and interviewing experts such as hydrologists, lake rejuvenators, and urban ecosystem designers. We documented our learnings through different articles we wrote about topics we found most interesting, significant, and connected to us.
During this process, one among us (Mihika) experienced a situation where the flooding caused a lot of traffic due to which she missed a very important exam. This led her to write a LinkedIn post titled “Yesterday I missed my Trinity Exam due to Bangalore traffic.” This post caught the attention of The Better India (TBI), an organization known for spreading stories of change throughout the world.
TBI reached out to Sreeja Ma’am asking for an interview to understand our P2P Labs (Problems to Projects) and the children’s approach to change-making.
The 9th graders, YoDAs, and Sreeja Ma’am attended the interview.
Following the interview, The Better India published an article showcasing our change-making efforts.

This experience has been a wonderful opportunity filled with learning in a contextual, purposeful, and connected method, as well as exploration.
This is an example of how learning is contexualised across grades, connecting real world events to children's curiosity and integrate them into our curriculum.
We want to continue walking this journey of change-making and inspire more people in the world to take action in their own ways.