'To love another unconditionally is to love self unconditionally first. To do that, it is to believe that one is fully worthy of love just because they exist on this planet.'
But what does it mean to love myself or another unconditionally?
What if I make mistakes?
What if things do not go based on my expectations?
If I asked my child if they thought I loved them, what would they say?
What does it take to raise a child and provide a safe, nurturing space?
What does it mean to raise a child who is purpose driven and safe for themselves? What does it mean for me as a parent?
Parenting IS a skill.
Nobody is born a parent. Having a nurturing instinct to parent and developing the necessary skillset to be a parent are two different aspects in parenthood.
It is a journey.
First Stop : Empathy
Second Stop : Unconditional Love